Youth Ministries
Cornerstone's Youth Ministry (6-12th grades) seeks to come alongside families to grow lifelong, passionate followers of Jesus (Colossians 2:6-7). For more information or to get connected, please email Pastor Stephen ([email protected]).
3 Avenues for Youth Ministry
One is our middle/high school youth group, LifeFocus, which meets weekly on Saturday nights at the Ministry Center, unless we have an activity. As a group, we explore our relationship with God, pray for one another, have fun together, and give God praise. LifeFocus is for teens in 6th-12th grades.
A second way is through our focus on mentorship. Through the various aspects of youth ministry, we strive to ensure that each student has a number of a qualified, called and gifted adult mentors to help shepherd them in their relationship with God and growing as they face the everyday struggle of teenage life. In addition to this, we also invite each youth to begin mentoring those younger than them, either children in our Kids Rock program, or their peers by serving as a Peer Leader in LifeFocus.
Monthly Serving
The third stream is through serving: we serve monthly, on a rotating basis, in ROCK (Cornerstone’s children’s ministry), have a team of peer leaders at LIFE/FOCUS, and plan service or short-term mission opportunities. We also participate in monthly community service events, such as feeding the homeless, helping various food banks sort and distribute donations, or even putting on children’s programs at shelters for abused spouses and children.