
The 1970's and 80's saw the emergence of the mega-church - large, highly programmed churches that offered a ministry for just about every age group, special need, and interest. Forty years later we are seeing the birth of the micro-church. Small churches have been around for a long time but many were not intentionally small, they just couldn't seem to ever grow beyond the few loyal followers they could attract. Today, circumstances have made it a necessity to morph into a micro-church, at least for the time being, and while I miss seeing everyone on a regular basis, there are some upsides I'd like to point out.
In our world of big box stores and large screen T.V.'s, our tendency is to think that bigger is always better. Yet Jesus used the smallest seed, the mustard seed, to describe how His kingdom movement begins.
Micro-churches can be more nimble to adjust to a rapidly changing environment. Operating as a micro-church means that the ministries that are most vital to our mission remain even in different forms. We continue to worship corporately through live streaming and connected in our CG's albeit, virtually. It becomes crystal clear that the church is not defined by its building or geographic location, but our identity rests in being the people of God joined together to advance His kingdom.
In micro-churches, ministry also gets decentralized and more people take ownership for doing the work of the church. People are mobilizing to organize prayer groups. Ideas are flowing on how we can continue to love people with the love of Christ.
Who knows if this is just a blip in our history and we end up returning to our former model of ministry or if God is preparing us to adopt a new model or at least a mindset, that can be more effective in reaching the nations before He returns. One thing we do know, micro-church like the mustard seed, can have a macro impact on our world!
In our world of big box stores and large screen T.V.'s, our tendency is to think that bigger is always better. Yet Jesus used the smallest seed, the mustard seed, to describe how His kingdom movement begins.
Micro-churches can be more nimble to adjust to a rapidly changing environment. Operating as a micro-church means that the ministries that are most vital to our mission remain even in different forms. We continue to worship corporately through live streaming and connected in our CG's albeit, virtually. It becomes crystal clear that the church is not defined by its building or geographic location, but our identity rests in being the people of God joined together to advance His kingdom.
In micro-churches, ministry also gets decentralized and more people take ownership for doing the work of the church. People are mobilizing to organize prayer groups. Ideas are flowing on how we can continue to love people with the love of Christ.
Who knows if this is just a blip in our history and we end up returning to our former model of ministry or if God is preparing us to adopt a new model or at least a mindset, that can be more effective in reaching the nations before He returns. One thing we do know, micro-church like the mustard seed, can have a macro impact on our world!