Raising Our Flag

Psalm 16:8-10
8 I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. 9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. 10 For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption.’
During my trip to the east coast I visited the World Trade Center memorial. It was a sobering experience to relive the events of that fateful September day almost 20 years ago. Among the numerous pictures that chronicled the stories of victims, heroes, and families impacted by this tragedy, there was one that spoke to my spirit – the raising of the American flag by three firefighters amidst the tangled mass of debris from the collapsed twin towers.
This picture captured like no other, the resolve and unvanquished spirit of our nation in the midst of an attack that landed a devastating body blow to our country. There is something that stirs my spirit about courageous resolve that declares in the middle of a battle that it will not retreat or allow the attacker to win.
The bible records that Israel’s greatest king, David, son of Jesse, faced attacks that would have shaken lesser men yet in the psalm above, he declared his resolve to not be shaken. David could declare this because he had set the Lord before him.
Setting the Lord Before You
Each passing day brings the dire news of the growing spread of the coronavirus around the world. Major cities look like sleepy rural towns in the wake of executive orders to remain home if at all possible. The world is shaking but we can face this crisis with unwavering confidence if we set the Lord before us. This means that while our ears are attentive to the latest news, we keep our eyes on the Lord. Here are some suggestions that can help you set the Lord before you.
Read More Bible, Less News Articles
Keeping up with the latest news can be all consuming. The news before this outbreak leaned toward being filled with negative stories that highlighted the worst in our society. Now, just about every story has to do with virus and there’s not even any sports to give us a reprieve! Stay informed but shift more of your time to reading your Bible. God’s word is timeless and more relevant than the latest news article. It provides us with the perspective and hope we need to live in true security when the rest of the world is shaking.
Listen to Worship Music
Worship music is such a wonderful gift that can lift our spirits and fortify our faith. The Lord often uses worship music to change the atmosphere. Attitudes can change in an instant as songs of praise waif through our homes.
Declare God’s Lordship
Words are powerful and speaking words that declare that Christ is Lord are powerful weapons in our arsenal! When we speak these words out loud we are reminding ourselves and pushing back those encroaching thoughts that want us to retreat back to our flesh’s sin response of fear. These declarations give notice to Satan that we will not be defeated.
Do Good
The story of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is striking because the one who did good was the least likely person we would anticipate to offer help. In times of crisis it may seem reasonable to tend to our own needs. In fact, to offer help to others may be seen as being irresponsible. Seeing other's needs and helping them shifts our focus away from ourselves and our own troubles.
With each verse read, worship song sung, declaration spoken, and person served we are raising a flag in the midst of an attack, that we will not be shaken!
8 I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. 9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. 10 For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption.’
During my trip to the east coast I visited the World Trade Center memorial. It was a sobering experience to relive the events of that fateful September day almost 20 years ago. Among the numerous pictures that chronicled the stories of victims, heroes, and families impacted by this tragedy, there was one that spoke to my spirit – the raising of the American flag by three firefighters amidst the tangled mass of debris from the collapsed twin towers.
This picture captured like no other, the resolve and unvanquished spirit of our nation in the midst of an attack that landed a devastating body blow to our country. There is something that stirs my spirit about courageous resolve that declares in the middle of a battle that it will not retreat or allow the attacker to win.
The bible records that Israel’s greatest king, David, son of Jesse, faced attacks that would have shaken lesser men yet in the psalm above, he declared his resolve to not be shaken. David could declare this because he had set the Lord before him.
Setting the Lord Before You
Each passing day brings the dire news of the growing spread of the coronavirus around the world. Major cities look like sleepy rural towns in the wake of executive orders to remain home if at all possible. The world is shaking but we can face this crisis with unwavering confidence if we set the Lord before us. This means that while our ears are attentive to the latest news, we keep our eyes on the Lord. Here are some suggestions that can help you set the Lord before you.
Read More Bible, Less News Articles
Keeping up with the latest news can be all consuming. The news before this outbreak leaned toward being filled with negative stories that highlighted the worst in our society. Now, just about every story has to do with virus and there’s not even any sports to give us a reprieve! Stay informed but shift more of your time to reading your Bible. God’s word is timeless and more relevant than the latest news article. It provides us with the perspective and hope we need to live in true security when the rest of the world is shaking.
Listen to Worship Music
Worship music is such a wonderful gift that can lift our spirits and fortify our faith. The Lord often uses worship music to change the atmosphere. Attitudes can change in an instant as songs of praise waif through our homes.
Declare God’s Lordship
Words are powerful and speaking words that declare that Christ is Lord are powerful weapons in our arsenal! When we speak these words out loud we are reminding ourselves and pushing back those encroaching thoughts that want us to retreat back to our flesh’s sin response of fear. These declarations give notice to Satan that we will not be defeated.
Do Good
The story of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is striking because the one who did good was the least likely person we would anticipate to offer help. In times of crisis it may seem reasonable to tend to our own needs. In fact, to offer help to others may be seen as being irresponsible. Seeing other's needs and helping them shifts our focus away from ourselves and our own troubles.
With each verse read, worship song sung, declaration spoken, and person served we are raising a flag in the midst of an attack, that we will not be shaken!